Summer Skin Series: September


We made it! Actually, I’m just impressed and proud that I completed the whole Summer Skin Series month by month! This goes to show you that if you set your mind to something, and persevere, you can accomplish any task no matter how big or small. With that said, let’s discuss skin concerns that come up when the season come to a close.

Seasons change, and so do we
— unknown
Summer Skin Series: September

September is a beautiful time of year, everyone is heading off to some new, fresh adventure like the school year or gearing up for the holidays. You can begin to smell the crispness in the morning air that winter is not far away, but the warmth of September days still allow us to wear shorts and sandals. I like to take transitional periods, like season changes, to reflect on what I have done or what has worked for me up to now. This summer I spent a lot more time inside than last year, so my tan and sun-stressed skin isn’t as bad as last year. For me this means I will need a lot more hydration as being inside is great when battling UV damage but not so when you factor in artificial air drying us all out. Considering what you did this summer and what you might need extra of this winter is important, but won’t do a thing if you’re not consistent with your skincare. So before we delve into seasonal changes and skincare, let’s make sure you’ve got your morning and night routine dialed in!

Eri the Esti | Skin Care 101

I’ve gone over this in past blog posts and will continue to drill it in until I am blue in the face: you have to wash and treat your face every morning and every night. For those linear learners, let’s break down why we need to wash our face twice a day.

In the morning, we are cleansing off sweat, oil and toxins from our bodies sleep cycle. Our bodies are so intelligent, they detox and excrete out toxins we pick up throughout our day and repair the naturally occurring free radicals in our body. Think of it as brushing your teeth, even though your brushed them at night, you need to do it again in the morning.

I regret taking such good care of my skin
— said no one ever

In the evening, it is important to set time aside for our skincare routine, which should only take 8-10 minutes max, to reset ourselves and prepare our bodies to relax from a hard days work. Throughout our workday, we pick up environmental debris, dehydrate skin, cause more free radicals from things like smoke and pollution and then there’s UV damage. If you wear makeup, it is even more important to wash and treat your skin at night! This is also the time you can use those power-hitter ingredients like retinal and serums with lightening agents as you won’t be exposed to UV radiation. Need more info on the skincare routine and cleansing? Check out my Back to Basics Blog on Cleansing to learn more!

Being consistent in your routine is a huge part of the battle, with the other half being using the right product. There is a difference between high performing cosmeceutical skincare and the regular old over the counter drugstore product. Using a quality product that has an ingredient list to match its claims is super, super important. I am not going to diss certain products and praise others, just know that you will be able to visibly see the difference, and it doesn’t have to break the bank.

Summer Skin Series: September

I’ve said it before, and I am sure I will say it a million more times, don’t use too many skincare lines on your skin! They need to layer to get the best results with products that are formulated to support it.

I do talk a little about this in my most recent Throw It Out Thursday blog, where I also go more in depth with how to transition your skincare for the season. To read that blog click here and learn how to make slight changes in your skincare routine when the weather starts to turn!

What I want to talk about in this blog is refreshing your routine, not necessarily changing it all out. Admit it, you buy random beauty things with all the intention of using them and then stuff them away into a closet somewhere (I see you Neutrogena LED Mask). I want to encourage you to pull them out, starting with your dry brush!

When was the last time you dry brushed? Last winter? A couple times over the summer when you knew that more of your skin would be exposed? Well I am here to remind you to use it regularly! Starting now! Dry brushing during the winter has multiple reasons other than just making your skin soft. One of the biggest benefits is that it stimulates circulation, which is key during winter when its colder. This will help all your body systems work better, give you a healthy glow and, of course, make your skin soft. There is debate on when to dry brush, I do mine after the shower as I typically forget to do it beforehand and I think of skincare where you exfoliate after cleansing.

Another tool you might have at home is the Jade Roller, a very hot commodity right now. Use this too over your facial serums or oils to aid in our favorite: lymphatic drainage. You might notice a theme, a lot of what we do, especially during winter, stimulates lymphatic drainage. This is because our bodies are attacked by cold and flu bugs when seasons shift, and this body system, the lymphatic system, supports body health and flu fighting power. Using your tools that support this like dry brushing, jade rollers or facial massage, can help you do more than just look better.

Lastly, let’s discuss body oils, which are very different from facial oils. For body oils, you can make a lot of them yourself by buying the base at a refill supply store or Co-Op and adding your own essential oils. I love going through Pinterest to find different recipes of oil blends to match my skin concern. Recently, a lot of friends and clients have asked me about keratosis pilaris, a fancy word explaining those bumps on the back of your arms. They are a sign of dehydration, and body oils are a great way to seal in that hydration from your moisturizer. Try adding in a little body oil on top of your body lotion in areas of concern like backs of arms and legs. Give it a couple of tries and hopefully you will notice those little bumps disappear!

I hope these few tips, and maybe some more from previous blogs, will help you navigate the weather (pun intended!) and if you have anything you would like to me to write about or investigate, shoot me a message either on my IG (link below) or check out my bio for more ways to connect.

Take care and stay hydrated! Till next time, be good to your skin and even better to yourself,

xx eri

Erica Shaw