Virtual Self Care Menu


Virtual Skin Consultations

Each of us is unique, and that means our skin’s needs are unique too. Understanding what your skin needs in a sea of products and flashy ads can be hard. Get to the root of what your skin needs, review your current products, and solidify a solid foundation for your healthy skin.

Self-Care Coaching w/Eri | 3 1:1 Coaching Sessions

Our busy lives can often lead to fatigue, burn-out, and a feeling of not being connected to ourselves or our own needs. Seeing this pattern in her life and the lives of women around her, Eri set down and launched her Self-Care Coaching virtual business in 2020.

She discovered through working 1:1 with women, that major breakthroughs happened within the third week of her 90-Day Whole Body Wellness Coaching Program. Knowing not everyone is ready for a full 90-Day program, she is offering 3 private and virtual 1:1 coaching sessions to help you secure a foundation in your self-care and relearn how to listen to what your body and skin are telling you and what you need.

90-Day Whole Body Wellness Coaching with Eri

Your skin is a sign of your body’s internal health, and being able to understand what our body needs and is telling us is becoming more important as the stress of daily life increases and intensifies all around us.

To help women strengthen their foundation in self-care and self-love, she created the 90-Day 1:1 Whole Body Wellness Coaching program. Take a deep dive into your self-care, understanding what your skin and body are telling you, and create a roadmap for your whole body wellness.

Randi | Bellyfit Instructor

Bellyfit | Groove with Randi

Stay healthy and forever young with Randi and Bellyfit! Her classes are available 100% online and you even get your first class for FREE. Motion is lotion, and if you are working from home, or even back at the office, chances are your body is experiencing long periods of sitting, inactivity and inertia. Get out of that chair and back in your groove with Randi today, your body will thank you for it!

Visit the link below to learn more about Bellyfit, Groove, Randi and to see her class schedule: